Rock'n Around with School of Rock

Join us for a rock'n "Kick Off to the Holidays" celebration on Friday, December 9th at Franklin's Workshop (the former Voltage Lounge). Doors open at 6:00. Live music begins at 6:30 with a performance by the SOR Philly Adult band. At 7:30, the House Band will be playing a special set of holiday tunes. Starting at 8:30 is an Open-Mic that is open to all performers who sign up at

Triple Bottom Brewing will be offering up their tasty craft drinks and The Lucky Well will be selling their yummy BBQ style food!

Although the event is free, we want to use this opportunity to support those in need, and are requesting that attendees bring a food or toiletry item for a donation drive to benefit Bebashi: Transition to Hope. Suggested items include:

Food Items
Breakfast Cereal / Oatmeal-Canned Fruit Canned Meats / Fish-Canned Stew / Chili-Canned Veggies-Granola Bars-Macaroni and Cheese-Nuts / Trail Mix-Pancake Mix / Syrup-Pasta Sauce-Peanut Butter / Jelly-Shelf Stable Milk-Unsweetened Applesauce-Whole Grain / Wheat Pasta-100% Juice

Toiletry Items
Deodorant-Menstrual Products-Shampoo / Conditioner-Soap / Body Wash-Toothpaste / Toothbrushes- Shaving Cream

Invite your friends and family, all are welcome!

Aaron Cohen