Spring Arts Merchants Association

What a year! If we learned anything from 2020 it’s that COVID cannot stop us and we are all better together. After a series of conversations with a few business owners in the neighborhood there is a growing interest in creating a Merchants Association.

What is a Merchants Association?

Similar to a chamber of commerce, a merchants association is a business network. Members include businesses or property owners based in a particular location, from a single street to an entire neighborhood. Some local examples are We Love 13th Street and the Italian Market Business Association.

These groups work to promote each other and strong business corridors through festivals, marketing and united efforts for neighborhood improvements like street cleaning and planters. As Spring begins to bloom, the ideas on how we can bring more commerce and customers to Spring Arts are blooming too!

If you are interested in learning more about this and getting involved please email kelly@artsandcrafts.holdings. All are welcome and encouraged to join!
