#Personofthecrowd Part I

You may have noticed the bright new façade on 915 Spring Garden Street, well here is the scoop!
#personofthecrowd responds to the question where do you stand?
As seen on the Barnes Foundation Facebook:
Where do you stand? #PersonoftheCrowdAddressing potent issues such as racism, gender politics, and globalization, "Person of the Crowd: The Contemporary Art of Flânerie" turns to more than 50 US and international artists to speak out–on walls, online, and on the street. But this exhibition also turns to you: to raise your voice or to share your love for spontaneous discovery. Tell us where you stand by sharing Instagram photos of your physical location or an image of what you stand for. Tag old/new posts #personofthecrowd and you could be a part of the show’s digital installation!
Celebrate the opening on Feb. 24! http://bit.ly/2-opening-party
On Instagram, they are doing a call for IG posts responding to the question where do you stand?  Old/new photos tagged #personofthecrowd  could be selected by one of the artists in the show to be part of a digital installation. Examples of posts here
Microsite: There is also a Person of the Crowd mircosite (in addition to our website's exhibition page) that will go live next week: personofthecrowd.org
New mural in Spring Arts!